WCN(World Culture Networks) is a cultural mediator as well as an affiliate company
of Youngsan Group and is located in Vienna which is the heart of Europe.


  1. ABOUT 01
    Friendship Concerts

    WCN hosts international friendship concerts every year.
    WCN aims to contribute back to our society through culture,
    helps musicians to stand on stages, and plays a role of
    cultural diplomat for firm relationship among various nations.

  2. Classical Concerts

    WCN hosts and organizes various classical concerts and patronizes
    musicians in order to develop their careers.

    ABOUT 02
  3. ABOUT 03

    WCN hosts educational programs with globally distinguished
    artists so as to provide opportunities for young artists to learn
    the world of art in depth.

  4. Charity Projects

    Since 2005, WCN has personally contributed to the society
    by various voluntary work for people in need. WCN hosts
    not only visiting concerts every month but also fund-raising
    concerts every December to share love and hope.

    ABOUT 04
  5. ABOUT 05

    WCN organizes various events, such as choir concert tours,
    workshops and camps. Especially, WCN offers unique opportunities
    to learn from the famous Vienna Boy's Choir and its Artistic Director
    and President, Mr. Gerald Wirth.

  6. Performances

    WCN represents numerous artistic performances of various genres
    and has been hosting diplomatic activities to understand
    and share each other’s culture.

    ABOUT 06
  • 영산그룹
  • 비엔나 한인문화회관
  • 비엔나 모차르트하우스
  • 도이치오퍼
  • 스타인웨이
  • 부조니콩쿠르
  • 리즈 콩쿠르
  • 그라페넥
  • 카리타스
  • 베토벤
  • 대구인터내셔널
  • HD Lied
  • BTHVN2020
  • 빈 슈타츠오퍼